Select Poetry, Fiction, and Nonfiction Publications
After I Am Raped, I Write a Book and Do Not Use the Word Rape, Write or Die, April
At a Bar a Few Blocks from the End of the World, Scrawl Place, June
Facts I Learned this Month, Citron Review, Summer
"On the Ancient Art of Driving on A Mountain Road” How To Write A Novel: An Anthology of 20 Craft Essays About Writing, None of Which Ever Mention Writing (Autofocus Press)
”Eye of the Beholder” Door is a Jar, Winter
“Billy by Horsegirl” Major 7th Magazine, December
“A Rejection Letter for the Inevitable Rejection” Rejection Letters, June
“If a tree starts crying for help in the middle of a forest, but it’s at a frequency too high for human ears to hear, did it really cry?” Reckon Review, May
”When I Die, Bury Me With My Eyes Open” Autofocus Lit, with Casey Dawson
“Everyday of Childhood Vacations Were The Same as The Day Before” Scrawl Place, December
“Can I Go Where You Go?'“ Kiss Your Darlings Anthology, August
“An Incomplete Dictionary of Words That Make Me Think About My Body As I Try Not To Replace” Reed Magazine, July
Gabriella Rico Challenge in Nonfiction Winner
“To Want is to Be Queer in a Small Town” Mac(ro)mic, June
“I Have Left My Ghost in Those Hollows” Cowboy Jamboree, April
“The Ghost Woman” Autofocus Lit, March
“Bald Knob, West Virginia” Scrawl Place, February
“Living Alone Under Self-Quarantine in New Orleans: A Dictionary Guide” Press Pause Press, January
“The Forgiving Kind” The Forge Literary Magazine, January
”Baptize (verb)” Defunkt Magazine
“Belly Buttons” Ethel Zine, June
“I Dream Of Water -” Dreams/Nightmare Zine, May
“If We Are Not Soul Mates, I Don’t Care” Blue River Review, February
“Moonshine” (mac)ro(mic), December
“The Big Bang” Pine Mountain Sand & Gravel, Volume 24: Appalachian Witness, November (order here)
“To Outline the Moon” Alaska Quarterly Review, November (order here)
“People Keep Saying My Hometown Has a Monster, But Let Me Tell You” Complete Sentence, October
“When You Think About Summer, You Think About” Alien Magazine, September
“To Lose a Tooth” Schuylkill Valley Journal, July
“An Obituary for The Mall in Fairmont, West Virginia” The Daily Drunk, June
“Tyler Childers and I Drive Out of West Virginia” Cowboy Jamboree, Issue: Asquint, May
“Forgotten Synonyms for Grief” Barren Magazine, April
“What I Remember”Trampset, March
“Becoming Fireflies” Rejection Letters, March
“First, There was the Comb Jelly” Epoch Press (order full issue here), January
Featured Essay
Pushcart Prize Nominated
“Horoscopes for the Impending End of the World” Hobart After Dark, May
“The Babadook” The Daily Drunk, January
“What I Think King Kong is About (Having Never Seen King Kong)” No Contact, June
Best of the Net Nominated
Best Microfiction Winner
Craft Essay
“Questions on Writing About People, Where I Offer No Answers” Epoch Press, March
“How The Cicada Screams” The Threepenny Review, December
“Once, I Saw a Monarch Butterfly Dead on Pavement -” Lammergeier, December
"Bar Bathroom Graffiti in New Orleans: A One Year Review" Hippocampus Magazine, September (cnf)
Finalist, Mockbee Nonfiction Award, Judged by Michael Trammell and Mary Jane Ryals
"Why Do You Feel Always Sad" Santa Fe Writers Project Quarterly, August
"Did Dolphins Cry?" (Mac)ro(mic), July
“Cosmonauts Used to Carry Guns into Space” Hobart After Dark, December
"How to Properly Kill a Fly" Hobart, October
"Ab Ovo" Trampset, November
"An Incredibly Brief and Unfinished History of Sound" Hippocampus Magazine, March
Pushcart Prize Nominated
“On Grafton, West Virginia in the Fall” Appalachian Review